Wednesday, 29 April 2015

My Top Tips for Organisation!

Hello Everyone,

Today I thought that I would do a blog post on my top tips for staying organised because I think that being organised is very important especially for things like school work. I find that if everything is organised and in its place then its so much easier to get things done. This is mainly to do with school work and making sure that everything is organised to make doing school work easier but it can also apply to everyday life as well.

Here are my essentials for staying organised:
  • Post-it Notes 
  • Folders
  • File Dividers
  • Highlighers 
  • Sticky Labels
  • A Pencil Case
  • A Cork Board 
  • A Small Whiteboard
  • File Dividers
Of course there are more things that can be used for staying organised but these are the things that I think are essential especially when organising school work.

Here are my Top Tips for staying Organised:
  • Write To-Do Lists
  • File away work into labelled folders so you know where everything is and can easily find what you need
  • Highlight key things in your folder so you know what is most important 
  • Have a pencil case containing everything you need to ensure that you don't have to go searching for different things when you want to get on with your work
  • Stick key things such as sheets and lists of key phrases on a cork board so you see them often.
  • Prioritise things by deadline so that you have the most time possible for each task.
  • Don't leave everything until the night before because this will cause you to get stressed and its much nicer to have gotten it out of the way.
  • Use a small A4 sized whiteboard to write to-do lists on and wipe each task off as you get them done. It feels really good to see the list get smaller and smaller and you really feel as though you have achieved something.
  • Use file dividers to split up your work by lesson, or units. You can get really good plastic ones that don't break like the paper ones do. This makes it really easy to find work quickly.
  • Use sticky labels to label folders so you can easily find what you need.
  • Stick post-it notes up with things you need to do or key phrases you need to learn.
  • Find a place for everything and always put it back there when you're finished with it. this means that you will never lose anything.
These are all things that I do to try and stay as organised as possible. I find that being organised really reduces stress when it comes to school work and I suppose this applies in all aspects of life as well. I hope you have found these tips helpful. :)

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

My Tips for Leading a Healthy Lifestyle!

Today I thought I would share with you what I do to try and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is now Spring and many people feel much more motivated when the days are lighter for longer and the weather is much nicer so I thought that I would do some healthy lifestyle related blog posts every so often. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle as much as possible by doing exercise and eating healthy. These are just some things that I like to do and that work for me. I hope you like them.

Here are my tips and what I do to try and lead a healthy lifestyle:
  • Drink plenty of Water
  • Eat plenty of Fruit & Veg (5 portions a day)
  • Eat in proportion - By this I mean that you can have food that is classed as 'unhealthy' as long as you have it in proportion and as a treat and eat healthy foods as well.
  • Exercise regularly
  • Always have breakfast - It's the most important meal of the day
  • Make sure you have enough sleep (at least 8 hours every night) to ensure that you feel fresh and motivated the next day.
These are things I try to do in order to lead a healthy lifestyle. I hope you find these helpful. :)

Monday, 13 April 2015

My Favourite Blogs/ Bloggers!

Hello Everyone,

Today I thought that I would do a blog post on my favourite blogs/ bloggers. I absolutely love these blogs and read them a lot so I would definitely recommend them to you.

So here are my Favourite Blogs/Bloggers
  • Zoella - I love Zoella's blog. This was the first blog that I ever read and I loved it straight away. This is the blog that inspired me to start a blog and I am so glad that I did start reading it because I love blogging now. It is a beauty blog mainly but it also includes aspects of lifestyle and fashion blogging. I find that it gives really good tips and has some really good suggestions and advice on things such as fashion and beauty. I love it. Click here to view Zoella's Blog.
  • Tanya Burr - I love Tanya Burr's Blog. I find it really interesting to read and she posts quite often which is good. This is also mainly a beauty blog & she gives very good advice on fashion, beauty & life in general. Click here to view Tanya Burr's Blog.
  • Sprinkle of Glitter - This is both a beauty & lifestyle blog and I love it. She gives really good tips and posts often. She also posts about her family life and her daughter which means that it might be nice for other mums to read as well. I just really like this blog. Click here to view Sprinkle of Glitter's Blog.
  • Niomi Smart - Niomi Smart does a beauty, lifestyle and fashion blog. This was also one of the first blogs that I read and another that inspired me to start my own.I find that she gives very good fashion advice & what I especially like is she has a shop on her blog where you can buy most things that are listed on her blog. So if there's something that you really like and want, you can order it straight off her blog. Another thing I like about this blog is the tips for leading a healthy lifestyle and healthy recipes. Click here to view Niomi Smart's Blog.
  • Blogilates - This is a fitness and healthy lifestyle blog that provides fitness regimes and loads of tips to help you lead a healthy life. I love this because it really motivates you to exercise and eat healthily. It also has a shop on it that sells exercise related things that I really like. Click here to view the Blogilates Blog.
I have linked their blogs above. Also, all of these also have YouTube Channels so I will link them below:
    I really enjoy reading these blogs and I also love their YouTube Channels. I definitely recommend them, so why not try them out? :)

    Tuesday, 7 April 2015

    10 Places I Would Like To Visit!

    When I am older I want to try and visit as many different countries and experience as many different cultures as possible. I thought that I would share 10 places I would like to visit with you today.

    So, here they are:
    1. The United States of America - I would like to do a tour of all of the states in America
    2. Paris
    3. Amsterdam
    4. India
    5. Dubai 
    6. Mexico
    7. Spain 
    8. Italy 
    9. Greece 
    10. Australia 
    These are just a few places that I would like to visit when I am older. Let me know what place you would visit if you could go anywhere in the world. I'd love to know. :)

    Monday, 6 April 2015

    Spring has Sprung Tag!

    Hello Everyone,

    Today I thought that I would do a Spring related blog post so I decided to do the Spring has Sprung Tag. I have seen this tag done a lot on YouTube so I thought it might be interesting to answer the questions for you today.

    What are some spring trends you're looking forward to the most?
    I am looking forward to wearing brightly coloured nail varnish because I think that it can make an outfit look so cool and summery.

    Whats your favorite spring clothing piece?

    If it's warm enough I love to wear shorts during the Spring. I find them really comfy and I think that they look really nice.

    What do you do during your spring break?

    It is the Easter holidays at the moment and so far this holidays I have been away with my family. We usually go away at this time of year. I really like to relax during the school holidays and just spend time at home so I go back to school feeling refreshed.

    Is it warm or cold during spring where u live?
    I live in the UK so the weather isn't that reliable. Sometime it can be really warm and other times it can be cold and rainy but the weather definitely starts to get a bit warmer during the spring time. At the moment we're having really nice weather. It's very warm and sunny which is nice.

    Whats your favorite spring lip color?
    During the spring I like to wear light shades on my lips such as light pink and coral colours.

    Favorite spring nail polish color?
    I like to wear either light colours or really bright nail varnish during the spring. I like to wear lots of light blues and pinks.

    Favorite spring color?
    My favourite spring colours are pink and blue.

    Favorite Starbucks drink during spring?
    My favourite Starbucks drink in the Spring is the Strawberries and Cream Frapuccino

    Do you add color to your makeup for spring?
    I don't wear much make up usually but I do like to wear a light pink lip gloss or lipstick during the spring.

    What are you most excited about for spring 2015?
    I am looking forward to be able to spend more time outside because the weather is much nicer.

    I hope you liked reading this post, it's something a bit different but it was really fun to answer these questions.:)

    Just a Quick Note!

    Hello Everyone,

    So, it's April already. I can't believe how fast this year is going. I hope you all enjoyed March. I did some really nice things last month and had lots of fun. I have got some blog posts coming up in the next couple months about some of the things I did last month so keep an eye out for them.

    I really enjoyed blogging throughout March and tried to make each post as interesting as possible so I hope you enjoyed reading them. I hope you liked having more regular posts. I actually did 8 blog posts last month which is the most I've ever blogged in a month. I am hoping to blog just as much this month. If you have any ideas of what you would like me to blog about feel free to leave them in the comments because I would love to try and do them. I do have lots of blog posts planned for this month so I'll try to post as often as possible.

    Spring is finally here and I am loving it. I love having lighter mornings and evenings and nicer weather. So, far April has brought some really nice weather. Lets hope it stays like this. I think everyone just seems so much more positive when the weather is nice and you seem to get so much more done. I am hoping to do some Spring related blog posts in the next few months as well. 

    I hope you enjoyed reading this little update. I am really enjoying blogging at the moment so thank you to everyone who reads my blog. :)