Thursday, 31 December 2015

Pretty Perfect Statistics 2015!

Hello Everyone,

2015 has been my first full year of blogging & this year I have grown to love blogging more & more. I have aimed to improve my content and the display of my blog as much as I can to make your visits to my blog as enjoyable as possible. This post is a statistics post to show you how much I have blogged each month & how many posts their have been for different categories such as beauty, lifestyle & DIYS. I thought I would do this post just to look back on the statistics for my blog. I hope you like it.

Monthly Stats

January - 3
February - 1
March - 8
April - 6
May - 8
June - 9
July - 8
August - 9
September - 8
October - 14
November - 16
December - 26

Total = 116

At the start of the year I made myself a goal to post 52 times this year which would be equal to a post every week. I have exceeded my aims which I am so pleased about. I decided that posting twice a week would be even better and began to do this. Nearer the end of the year I started a schedule of posting three times a week which helped to make my total posts for the year much higher. December has been my best month blogging wise as I have managed to post (INSERT NUMBER) posts so far & I also managed to complete Blogmas.


Beauty - 14
DIYs - 1
Reviews - 5
Nails - 4
Music - 8
Lifestyle/ General Posts -  34
Quotes - 6
Favourites - 5
Education - 9
Tags -  9
Books - 3
Spring - 2
Autumn - 5
Winter - 1
Blogmas - 24

I think it is quite interesting to see how many times I have posted on my blog for each category so I hope you liked this post. 

Pretty Perfect x


Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year. I hope you have enjoyed 2015 & I hope you all have the best 2016.

Thank you to all of you who have read my blog this year. It means so much that people take time out of their day to read what I post on my blog. I have tried to make this blog as good as possible for everyone who reads to make their experience on my blog the best it can be.

I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging this year so thank you for reading my posts.

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you will continue to read my blog during 2016 as well.

Pretty Perfect x

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Why Sales Shopping After Christmas Isn't For Me!

Hello Everyone,

I'm back today to blog about the boxing day sales. This post is just a light-hearted, jokey post to get us back into blogging after a break yesterday. Also, you're probably all still full of christmas dinner and tired from yesterday so this is an easy post to read. 

Boxing day sale shopping (or any sale shopping in general really) is not for me. I find it extremely annoying for a number of reasons which is what I  am going to talk about today. Firstly, I just want to say that I have nothing against anyone that does shop in the boxing day sales, it's just something that I personally don't enjoy.

Let's get on with the post!

Everyone spends so much money before Christmas buying presents and food. You also get a lot of new things. Therefore, I personally don't see why you would then want to buy loads more things and spend a lot more money just so you can get the discount. 

I cannot deal with crowds. Being pushed around by other people because it's so busy is not something I enjoy. I like to have my own personal space so fighting somebody for the last item of that kind is not for me. I would rather pay full price for an item than fight with someone for it, I don't want anything that much.

I am always tired after Christmas day. I usually go to bed quite late so the last thing I want to do on boxing day is queue at 6am so you can get first choice of the sale items. I don't function properly at that time in the morning so there would be absolutely no point in me trying to shop. i would probably end up buying a load of things that I didn't want. 

If you get to the sales early then it's ok but after about 10 minutes everything is messed up and clothes are thrown on the floor and nothing is in any order. I personally haven't got the patience to search through that hoping I'll find something nice.

They are the main reasons I don't enjoy sales shopping. This was just a jokey post. For those of you who enjoy sales shopping, I hope you found lots of great deals.

Pretty Perfect x


I'm Back!

Hello Everyone,


After blogging 24 days in December it feels like I haven't blogged in ages but today I'm back.

This post is just a little 'catch up' post so we all know what is going on and what is coming up.

So, first of all, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas. I had a lovely spent with my favourite people in the world. We just had a quiet, relaxing day at home. Christmas dinner was so nice but by the end of the day I was so so full from eating so much food. I'm so sad that Christmas is over already, it seems to have gone so fast but I am so excited for 2016. Let's make this the best year yet.

There are only a couple of days of 2015 left now so I'll be posting a couple of times just to finish off the year. I've got some fun posts, as well as some more informative posts regarding what I have blogged this year in the form of statistics and things like that.

As for 2016, I'm going to continue posting on my blog hopefully improving the quality as much as I can. I'm also hoping to increase how frequently I post but we'll see what happens.

2015 has been Pretty Perfect so let's enjoy the last few days and make 2016 the same.

Pretty Perfect x


Thursday, 24 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 24 - Merry Christmas Everyone!

Hello Everyone,

Today's post is going to be a short one just to wish you all a Merry Christmas.

I'm so pleased to say that I have completed Blogmas. I did think it was going to be way too hard to think of 24 different posts about Christmas but I managed to do it. I really enjoyed blogging everyday & I think that it has made me want to blog more often. I have thoroughly enjoyed putting together these posts for you, so I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Christmas is my favourite time of the year so Blogmas has helped me to enjoy it & celebrate it even more.

Thank you to everyone who has read my Blogmas posts. It means a lot to me. I will not be blogging tomorrow because I will probably be too busy and too full of Christmas dinner to be able to type. You can expect some New Year related posts within a week though. 

I hope you all have the best Christmas & get everything you want. Don't forget to put some snacks out for Santa. Have a lovely day whatever it is that you are doing. Thank you for reading my posts. I'll speak to you very soon.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

1 Day Until Christmas

Pretty Perfect x

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 23 - What to do on Christmas Eve!

Hello Everyone,

I don't know about you but sometimes Christmas Eve seems to drag if you haven't got much planned. I think it's because we're excited for Christmas day so time seems to go slow. Therefore, today I thought I would provide you with a list of things that you could do on Christmas Eve to help pass the time.
  • Do some Christmas crafts - I have some ideas in one of my posts so click here to go to that.
  • Watch a Christmas film.
  • Play some board games.
  • Visit family.
  • Go Christmas shopping.
  • Go for a walk.
I hope this helps any of you who are stuck for ideas of what to do on Christmas Eve.

 2 Days Until Christmas

Pretty Perfect x

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 22 -Christmas Traditions!

Hello Everyone,

Today I thought it would be interesting to share some of my Christmas traditions with you. I think we all have Christmas routines that occur year after year so I thought it might be nice to share some of these.

Here are some Christmas traditions of mine.
  •  Visiting family on Christmas Eve.
  •  Having Turkey on Christmas Day. 
  •  We always have Turkey sandwhiches on Christmas night and boxing day.
  •  Having a real Christmas tree.
  •  Choosing a Christmas tree in the wood & cutting it down in the wood.
  •  We always have an angel on top of our tree.
  •  We always wake up early on Christmas Day - my sister & I are usually to excited to sleep.
  •  We always go Christmas shopping together.
  •  My Mum usually organises a Christmas surprise before Christmas where we have new PJs and a DVD day.
They are some of our Christmas traditions. I hope you like this post. Comment some of your Christmas traditions below. I would love to read them.

3 Days Until Christmas
Pretty Perfect x

Blogmas 2015 - Day 21 - My Favourite Christmas Snacks!

Hello Everyone,

Today's post is going to be a list of my favourite snacks & treats to have at Christmas time. I hope you like it.
  • Heroes
  • Celebrations
  • Quality Street
  • Roses
  • Malteasers 
  • Chocolate Orange
  • Candy Canes
  • Mince Pies 
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Crackers & Cheese
Basically, all I eat during the festive period is chocolate. They are my favourite treats to have at Christmas time. What is your favourite Christmas snack? Let me know in the comments.

4 Days Until Christmas 

Pretty Perfect x

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 20 - The What I Do On Christmas Day Tag!

Hello Everyone,

I have got another 'Tag' post for you today. I hope you like these posts because I think they're really good ways for you to find out more about me and what I do at Christmas time. I have actually made up the questions in this tag myself so I hope you like them. I tag you all to do this.

1. What time do you wake up?
I'm usually so excited for Christmas so I get up quite early. I'll usually wake up at around 7am.

2. Who will you be with on Christmas day?
This Christmas I will be with my mum, dad & sister.

3. Do you stay at home or go out?
 We always stay at home on Christmas day which I am very glad about.

4. When do you open your presents?
I usually open the majority of my presents in the morning but I try to save some of them until after dinner to leave me something to look forward to.

5. What meat do you have with your Christmas dinner?
 Always turkey.

6. Do you like sprouts?
They're not my favourite thing but I will eat them if they are put on my plate just because it's all part of the Christmas tradition.

7. Do you watch the Queen's speech?
We always watch the Queen's speech every year.

8. Do you get dressed up or do you stay in comfy clothes?
 I stay in comfy clothes on Christmas day because it's a relaxing day. Also after eating loads of Christmas dinner I just want to be in comfy clothes.

9. Do you go to Church on Christmas Day?
 I don't but I am religious so I would like to go one year.

10. What do you have as an evening meal on Christmas Day? 
We're always so full from Christmas dinner so we usually just have a turkey and stuffing sandwhich. 

5 Days Until Christmas  

Pretty Perfect x

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 19 - The Christmas Tag 2!

Hello Everyone,

I really enjoyed answering the questions to the last Christmas Tag I did and I have found another one with different questions so I thought I would answer this one as well. If some of the questions are the same or similar to the last ones I do apologise.

1. Favourite Christmas film?
A Christmas Carol

2. Favourite Christmas colour?
Red. Throughout this festive period I have worn red clothes, painted my nails red and worn red lipstick a lot.

3. Do you like to stay in you PJs or get dressed up for Christmas?
I like to stay in my Pjs. You might as well be comfy, right?

4. If you could only buy one person a present this year, who would it be?
I would buy a present for my sister because she is younger so she would probably want it more than my parents would.

5. Do you open your presents on Christmas eve or Christmas morning?
Christmas morning.

6.Ever built a gingerbread house?
I have built one a while ago when I was younger.

7. What do you like to do during the Christmas holidays?
I really like to spend time with my family doing festive things.

8. Any Christmas wishes?
To have a really happy and enjoyable Christmas.

9.Favourite Christmas smell?
Christmas trees

10.Favourite Christmas meal or treat?
Meal - Christmas dinner
Treat - Heroes chocolates

I hope you liked this Tag. I really enjoy writing these types of blog posts so I hope you enjoy reading them to.

6 Days Until Christmas

Pretty Perfect x


Friday, 18 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 18 - 10 Christmas Facts About Me!

Hello Everyone,

Despite considering it many times, I have never done a 'Facts About Me' blog post. However, today I decided that I would post 10 facts about me that are Christmas related. I hope you like them.
  1. Christmas is my favourite time of the year.
  2. Fairytale of New York is my favourite Christmas song
  3. My favourite Christmas Film is a Christmas Carol
  4. My favourite part of Christmas dinner is the turkey and the stuffing
  5. My favourite Christmas chocolates are Heroes
  6. I love anything that is chocolate orange flavoured
  7. We always have a real Christmas tree
  8. The smell of Christmas tree is one of my favourite scents
  9. My favourite Christmas carols are Little Donkey and Away in a Manger
  10. Now That's What I Call Christmas has been playing in my car since November
I hope you liked this post. Leave one Christmas-related fact about you in the comments. I would love to read them.

7 Days Until Christmas

Pretty Perfect x

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 17 - Christmas Craft Ideas!

Hello Everyone,

Today I thought that I would give you some ideas for some really simple and easy Christmas crafts to do over the festive period. These ideas will mainly come in handy if you need some ways to entertain children at Christmas.

1. Paper Chains - My sister and I used to spend ours cutting up strips of paper, colouring them in in different patterns, and gluing them together to make paper chains. We used to find this really fun and once they were finished we would decorate our bedrooms with them.

2. Painting - One year my sister & I got a huge piece of paper and painted a scene on it. We spent ages drawing the picture, painting it and then going round the edges with a black sharpie to make it stand out. In the end we were really proud of it. This is another good way to get crafty at Christmas time.

3. Christmas Cards - Making Christmas cards used to be one of my favourite things to do at Christmas time in primary school. All you need is some paper and colouring pens and they will spend hours making cards for friends and family.

4. Place Mats - In primary school we used to make place mats for our Christmas dinner so we would know where we would be siting. I think this is a great idea because it's so easy. All you have to do is get them to draw a picture on a piece of paper and then laminate in and they have their very own place mat.

5. Christmas Tree Decorations - There are loads of crafty tree decoration ideas online. Have a look for some that would suit the theme of you tree and try making them.

I hope you find these ideas helpful if you are spending time with any children that need entertaining around Christmas. To be honest I wouldn't mind doing any of the ideas now so you don't need to be with children as an excuse to get crafty. I hope you liked this post

8 Days until Christmas
Pretty Perfect x


Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 16 - Christmas Facts!

Hello Everyone,

When I was looking for ideas for questions for the Christmas quiz I posted a few days ago I found a few interesting facts so today I thought that I would share some of them with you. I hope you find them interesting and maybe even learn something new.

1. The first printed reference to a Christmas tree was in 1531 in Germany

2. The amounts of money spent on unwanted gifts at Christmas amounts to £700 million

3. The tradition of putting tangerines in stockings comes from 12th-century French nuns who left socks full of fruit, nuts and tangerines at the houses of the poor.

4. Nearly 60 million Christmas trees are grown each year in Europe.

5. The world's tallest Xmas tree at 221ft high was erected in a Washington shopping mall in 1950.

6. The chances of a white Christmas are just 1 in 10 for England and Wales, and 1 in 6 for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

7. Before turkey, the traditional Christmas meal in England was a pig's head and mustard.

8. Boxing Day gets its name from all the money collected in church alms-boxes for the poor.

9. Gold-wrapped chocolate coins commemorate St Nicholas who gave bags of gold coins to the poor.

10. The first Christmas celebrated in Britain is thought to have been in York in 521AD.

 I hope you enjoyed these Christmas facts. I find them really interesting. Not long untill Chirstmas now.

9 Days Until Christmas 

Pretty Perfect x

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 15 - Christmas Quotes!

Hello Everyone,

As you all know, I love quotes so I thought I would have a look if there were any good Christmas quotes that i could put into a post for Blogmas. I managed to find some really nice ones so I hope you  like them as much as I do.
  • Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
  • Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values.
  • Christmas is the day that holds all time together.
  • I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year.
  • Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.
  •  Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.
  •  Christmas day is a day of joy and charity. May God make you very rich in both.
  • Christmas is not so much about opening presents, as opening our hearts.
  • It's not what's under the tree that matters, it's who's around it.
  • Christmas gift suggestions - to your enemy, forgiveness, to an opponent, tolerance, to a friend, your heart, to a customer service, to all, charity, to every child, a good example, to yourself, respect. 
I really like these Christmas quotes. I think they are so true. I hope you have enjoyed this post.

10 Days Until Christmas

Pretty Perfect x


Monday, 14 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 14 - 15 Christmas Favourites!

Hello Everyone,

Today I thought I would give you a list of my favourite Christmassy things that I have been loving/ enjoyed doing this year so far.
  1. Hot Chocolate 
  2. Fairy Lights
  3. Anything that is Chocolate Orange flavoured
  4. Wearing Christmas jumpers
  5. The smell of Christmas trees
  6.  Looking through the TV Times to see what Christmas films and TV programmes will be on later in the month.
  7. Choosing a Christmas tree
  8. Decorating the house
  9. Having my Advent Calendar everyday
  10. Listening to Christmas songs
  11. Watching Christmas films 
  12. Watching 24 days of Zoella
  13. Watching Vlogmas
  14. Christmas shopping
  15. Blogging everyday 
So they are 15 things that I have been enjoying so far this Christmas. What have you been enjoying most this year? Let me know in the comments.

11 Days Until Christmas

Pretty Perfect x


Sunday, 13 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 13 - Christmas Quiz Answers!

Hello Everyone,

Here are the Christmas Quiz answers as promised. I hope you all enjoyed the quiz.
  1. How many Christmas cards are sent each year in the US alone? - 3 billion
  2. In the song 'Twelve Days of Christmas' how many gifts are their in total? - 364
  3.  How many years do Christmas trees usually grow for before they get sold? - 15 
  4. What Christmas song is estimated to be the best selling single of all time? - White Christmas by Irving Berlin
  5. Who invented the Christmas Cracker? - Thomas Smith
  6. In what year what the Queen's Christmas Speech first televised? - 1957
  7. In the UK, what percentage of people buy gifts for their dogs? - 70%
  8. What was the first American state to recognize Christmas as an actual holiday? - Alabama
  9. What colour did Father Christmas wear before he started wearing red? - Green
  10. Name all of Santa's reindeers - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen &  Rudolph
12 Days Until Christmas
Pretty Perfect x

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 12 - A Christmas Quiz!

Hello Everyone,

Today I thought that I would do a little Christmas Quiz for you because I thought it might be quite fun. In this post I will give you questions. It's up to you whether you want to put your answers in the comments or just answer as you read this post. There is no prize or winner of this, it's just a bit of fun & hopefully you might find out something new. I hope you enjoy this post.
  1. How many Christmas cards are sent each year in the US alone?
  2. In the song 'Twelve Days of Christmas' how many gifts are their in total?
  3.  How many years do Christmas trees usually grow for before they get sold?
  4. What Christmas song is estimated to be the best selling single of all time?
  5. Who invented the Christmas Cracker?
  6. In what year what the Queen's Christmas Speech first televised?
  7. In the UK, what percentage of people buy gifts for their dogs?
  8. What was the first American state to recognize Christmas as an actual holiday?
  9. What colour did Father Christmas wear before he started wearing red?
  10. Name all of Santa's reindeers
 So they are the questions for this little quiz. I am going to post the answers tomorrow so it gives you all a chance to have a think about them. I hope you liked this post.

13 Days Until Christmas

Pretty Perfect x


Friday, 11 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Day 11 - Gift Guide For Under £15!

Hello Everyone,

I have done a couple of posts about gift ideas in which I have listed some items that you might want to buy for somebody. Today, I am going to go into more detail with a gift guide of specific gifts that you could get for friends or family for under £15. I hope you find these ideas helpful. 

  1. Soap & Glory Kissmas Cracker  - £6 - I think these are a really cute little gift because they are really pretty and look a lot more expensive than they actually are. In this the Christmas Cracker packaging you get one of their lipglosses which I think is such a nice present that pretty much every girl would like to recieve.
  2. Soap & Glory Bright & Bubbly Gift Set  - £10 - I really like this gift full of the original pink scent minis. This is good for those of you who might want to spend a little bit more on gifts for friends and family & I personally think this is great value for what you get. It's also really good for someone who has never tried Soap & Glory products before because they get to test a few of them out. In this set includes the Righteous Butter Body Butter, the Hand Food Hand Cream, the Clean On Me shower gel, the Scrub of Your Life body buffer & a body polisher.
  3. Zoella Beauty Cosy Toesy Bath Soak & Shower Cream with Cosy Socks  - £10 - This Zoella Beauty gift is so cute and I think it's a really nice gift for sombody because let's be honest, who doesn't like cosy socks?
  4. Zoella Beauty So Cute Coffret Set - £12 - Another really nice set from Zoella Beauty. In this set you get the Creamy Madly Dreamy body lotion, the Blissful Mistful body Spray & polka dot headband. Again, I think this is a really reasonable price for what you get in this set and I think most people would be really happy to recieve this gift set.
  5. Dove Be Real Beauty Gift Set - Was £7, Now £2.50 - I was so shocked at the price of this Dove set, it's reduced to £2.50 at the moment which I think is amazing. This might be a nice present if you are looking for something to get for you mum, Aunty or Grandma. In this set you get two body washes and shower puff.
  6. Tanya Burr Handy Candy Manicure Set - Was £8, Now £6 - This manicure set includes a nail scissors, a cuticle pusher, nail clippers and two nail files. This is such a handy thing to have & the case is so pretty
  7. Tanya Burr Gingerbread Trio - Was £8, Now £6 - In this little set you get a nail polish and a nail file which I think is a really cute gift for someone & the packaging is so festive.
  8. Sprinkle of Glitter 2016 Diary - £4 - This is also a lovely idea if you have a friend that likes to keep a diary. Also it's really pretty so you can't go wrong really.
  9. Adult Colouring Book - £3.48 - I really like these because I think they must be so relaxing to fill in. I would definitely be happy to receive one of these this Christmas.
  10. Jack Wills Lip Kit - £14 - If you read my blog a lot you may have seen me mention these before. In this kit you get four of the JW lip crayons. I absolutely love mine so I would definitely recommend them.
  1. Jack Wills Sock Gift - £12 - In this you get a pair of JW socks and some of their body spray. I think this is a really good idea because they're both things that are essential and you know they will get used.
  2. L'Oreal Men Expert Barbershop Collection Gift Set - £13 - This contains a face wash and a moisturiser . I think this is aimed at men with beards so if you know any of them maybe this would be a good gift to buy them.
  3. Vo5 Extreme Style Duo - £7 - This includes a matt clay and a clean up 2-in-1 shampoo & conditioner. This again is going to be useful for almost all men.
  4. FCUK Boxers & Grooming Duo - £15 - This set is so worth the money because you get some body spray, a pair of boxers & a style hair & body wash.
  5. Addidas Champions League Duo - £3 - This includes a body spray and a 2-in-1 hair wash & shower gell.
I hope you've enjoyed this post. I apologise for the fact that there are less ideas for men than women. it's just because I have more ideas for women as I can base it on what I would like

14 Days Until Christmas

Pretty Perfect x