*All images in this post are taken from the internet*
Hello Everyone,
I am a huge Belieber so today I thought it would be fun to do the 'I'm a Belieber Tag' on my blog. I hope you like reading this post.
Why do you love Justin so much?
I love how kind he is to his fans, his music is amazing and he just seems like a genuinely nice person.
How many years have you been a belieber?
I have been a Belieber since 2009 meaning I have been a Belieber for 6 years.
What is your favourite song from the Believe album?
Be Alright
What is your favourite thing about Justin?
He's just such a fun and nice person. I can't pick a favourite really because I love everything about him.
Do you ever get made fun of for being Belieber?
I have done in the past but it's only ever been in a jokey way.
What is your favourite tattoo that Justin has?
His BELIEVE tattoo on his arm & the crown on his collar bone.
Favourite hair stage?
Have you ever been to a Justin Bieber concert?
Yes! I went to the Believe Tour in 2013
If so what was your favourite song to here live?
I loved OLLG but my favourite was As Long As You Love Me because it sounded so good when the audience joined in the chorus.
Favourite song off the Purpose album?
Love Yourself, The Feeling & No Pressure
All time favourite song of Justin's?
Be Alright or OLLG
Favourite song from Justin's early years?
Love Me, One Time & Never Say Never
Do you own his DVDs?
Yes! I have both of them & I went to see the Believe Movie in the cinema.

Never Say Never Movie or Believe Movie?
I would have to say the Believe Movie because I could relate to that more because I'd been to the tour so it brought back loads of memories for me.
I tag anyone who is a Belieber to do this next or answer some of the questions in the comments if you want to. I would love to read you answers. Thanks for reading!
Pretty Perfect x