Friday, 10 July 2015

Improving Pretty Perfect!

Hello Everyone, 

I just wanted to write a short blog post just to inform you about a few little changes that I have made to my blog recently. 

I am always looking for ways to improve my blog and what I write about to make it as interesting as possible for people to read. Everyday I am trying to think of new ideas for blog posts or blog improvements. One reason I do this is to obviously make it as interesting and enjoyable as possible to read for you. However, I also do this because I love blogging and I want my blog to be the best it can be.

The changes I have made are not big ones but I still wanted to tell you about them. I have made two changes that I want to talk about in this post.

The first change is I have added an about section to my blog. The main reason I wanted to do this is to inform new readers what my blog is about and also a little bit about me. Even if you are not a new reader you may still find it interesting to read because you might learn a bit more about me and my blog and why I started blogging.

The second change is I have added a page called a 'Product Directory.' This is basically a page full of links of product that I have talked about on my blog. If you wanted to go to somewhere where you could purchase that item online all you would have to do is click on the item you would like. It is organised into alphabetical order so I think that it will be quite easy to find what you are looking for. I wanted to do this because I think it's an easy way for you to find things I talk about on my blog so I hope you find it helpful.

Both of these are small changes but I just wanted to inform you about them so you knew why they were there and what they were for. Thanks for reading. :)

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