Monday 24 August 2015

A Guide For Getting Through Sixth Form!

Hello Everyone,

Today I wanted to provide a sort of guide for getting through sixth form been as I have just finished my first year & some of you may be starting sixth form in September. I have thought of a few tips to help you to do you best in sixth form. I hope you like this post. 

Keep On Top Of Your Work!
I would say that keeping on top of you work is essential to ensure that you do well in sixth form and enjoy your time there. Get yourself a diary and write down all of you homework and deadlines in it. This will help you to remember what needs to be done. I also like to write a list of homework and stick it on my cork board and cross each one off as I do it. It feels so satisfying to see that you are getting things done. Once you start to get behind you may struggle to catch up so try and complete any work as soon as possible.

Start Revising Early!
This is a mistake that a lot of people (including myself) make every year. Every year we promise to start revising earlier next time and then we never do. Seriously though it is best to start early because it allows you to get everything done and avoids any panicking in the week or days before the exam.

Keep Calm and Relax!
I personally think that sixth form is a lot of work. You do tend to get a lot of homework and coursework with strict deadlines. However, when this happens I think the main thing you have to do it keep calm and put things in to perspective so that you can find a solution. As long as you keep on top of things you shouldn't end up getting to stressed. My other point under this title is to relax. Make sure you give yourself time to relax doing something you enjoy because you don't want your two years of sixth form to be full of work and stress.

Enjoy the Social Side of Sixth Form!
I find that there is more of a chance to socialise in sixth form so I would advise you to take advantage of this. Try to chat to new people and make new friends. It makes your time at sixth form much more enjoyable and there is always someone to talk to.

Use Your Study Periods!
Many people don't use their study periods but they are really useful. If you can get all your homework done in your studies then it means you have more time to relax at home. Therefore, I would say that it would be a good idea to take advantage of your study periods.

They are all of the main points that I would say are the tips that will help you to get through sixth form. I try to do all of these so I hope you have found this post helpful. :)

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