Wednesday 16 March 2016

Back to Rosewood - Did you Miss Me?

Hello Everyone,

Today I've got another Back To Rosewood post where I tell you my thoughts on the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars which was called 'Did you Miss Me?' I hope you like it.

Aria and Ezra got a lot closer in this episode which made me happy because I really like them as a couple and I hope they get back together. Ezra told Aria about the last time he saw his girlfriend and confessed that it wasn't romantic like he portrayed it in the book. Aria was also honest with Ezra and told him about the new A. I'm glad she told him because he helped her through it last time and I'm sure he'll do it again.

We saw Emily confront Mona at the start of this episode when she noticed the key ring on Mona's keys which matched the description of the one the person had who was calling Charlotte on the night of her death. Mona admitted that she was the one who called Charlotte but she never answered and that was the last she thought about her before she heard that she was killed. Mona was honest about her feelings towards Charlotte which I think made Emily think again about whether Mona killed Charlotte. I felt sorry for Mona when she found the scrapbook she'd made for Hanna in the bin because it had been ruined in the fire.

Alison ended up in hospital. At first I thought it was an accident and that she'd just tripped on the carpet but the card in her hospital room told us otherwise as A had planted a card that showed each of the girls being crossed off one by one. Emily with the the car chasing after her, Aria being burned by the fire in Hanna's flat and now Alison falling down the stairs. Hanna and Spencer must be next on the list. I don't known what to think about Elliot, Alison's husband. Sometimes I think he genuinely loves Alison and then other times I think he might not be what he seems. Did he have something to do with it?

Alison suffered concussion in the fall and then ended up seeing her mum. For a split second I thought she was alive but she can't be, can she? It wouldn't be the first time that someone had come back from the dead on Pretty Little Liars.

Hanna and Caleb came up with a masterplan to stop A. When Hanna confessed to killing Charlotte I was so confused. It seemed really realistic but then I knew she couldn't have done it at the same time. She was just proving that if she could trick her best friend into believing her then she could fool anyone else as well. Hanna and Caleb have got really close over this plan and even ended up holding hands in front of Spencer which I thought was a bit strange but I fully support Haleb, they're my favourite.

I absolutely LOVED the ending where they gathered the original team together - Aria, Spencer, Hanna, Emily, Ezra, Toby and Caleb. They're all in this together again which makes me so happy and the episode ended with Hanna sending a text to A which said "Leave my friends alone. I killed Charlotte" with the full support of her friends behind her. I can't wait to find out what happens.

This episode was so exciting. I can't believe the next episode is the season finale. I'm so sad. Thanks for reading.

Pretty Perfect x

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