Thursday 11 February 2016

Back to Rosewood: New Guys, New Lies!

Hello Everyone,

Today's post is another one in the 'Back to Rosewood' series. I'm going to talk about the most recent episode of Pretty Little Liars, New Guys, New Lies.

The first thing I have to mention is the person in the mask. This is obviously the person who is texting the girls. This almost seems creepier than A because the person doesn't have to hide. They're just disguised. It was really scary when he was looking into Aria's window. This disguise means that the person is able to get a lot closer to the girls than A could.

I was pleased to see Toby in this episode as he hasn't been in it too much. We also found out who he was building the house for. It seems that Spencer and Toby still have feelings for each other. This is shown by the way Toby keeps confirming that Spencer will be going back to DC after the campaign. It's sort of an Out of Sight, Out of Mind situation. I'd like it if Spoby were to reunite.

Linking to my last point. It's clear that Hanna and Caleb still have feelings for each other too. I just want it all to go back to normal and how things used to be.

It also looked as though love could have been air for Emily and the girl who runs The Brew. Unfortunately, that seems to have been ruined because she caught Emily returning the key to Ezra's flat and now she doesn't trust her. I hope they make friends again soon.

The situation with Hanna deleting the tape has been resolved now that her mum has stolen the back up tape. However, like everything this is going to come back to haunt her as she is bound to have been seen taking it. This isn't going to be the end of that situation.

The finger seems to be pointing towards Aria's dad now & maybe even that he's done something with Ezra. He's obviously done something that could get him into trouble but I doubt he was the one who killed Charlotte. It's too obvious but it'll be interesting to find out what he has done.

The final thing I want to mention isn't directly linked to the most recent episode of PLL but it's just a thought I had and wanted to bring up. Maybe the new A and the person who killed Charlotte is Mr Dilourentis. He's never liked Charlotte. He was the reason that she ended up becoming A. He would want to get back at her for torturing the Alison. It's just a thought I had, we'll see!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Who is your favourite PLL character? Let me know in the comments.

Pretty Perfect x

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