Wednesday 27 January 2016

Back to Rosewood: Charlotte's Web!

Hello Everyone,

Here's another PLL blog post in which I'm going to talk about my thoughts on the latest episode.

I really enjoyed this episode but once again I am left with so many questions. It's so frustrating because I just want to find out what's happened. 

Here are the questions I have.

  1. What is Emily having treatment for?
  2. Why is Aria & Liam's relationship a secret from their boss? 
  3. What is Ezra hiding? 
  4. What is going on between Spencer & Caleb? Are they dating? 
  5. What has Hanna's boyfriend got to do with everything? I don't trust him.
I definitely think that Jordan is not to be trusted. I have a feeling that he knows more than what he is letting on & is acting overly nice so people don't suspect him. I can't see his relationship with Hanna lasting because it's already clear that Hanna is reconsidering the wedding now that she is back in touch with Caleb. I think that it won't be long before Haleb is back together. I hope so anyway.

Also, I would really like to know what went on with Spencer & Caleb. There is obviously something going on between them & I really want to know what. I saw someone say that they want to see flashbacks of the time they spent together in Europe. I would love for that to happen as it would really fill in the gaps.

In the first episode of the new series I felt sorry for Alison and felt that she had changed & become a better person. However, in this episode I think we started to see some of the old Ali coming back. She's changed her statement to say that she thinks the girls had something to do with Charlotte 's death and when they said Grace that threat was obviously meant for the girls. She's definitely not a loyal friend especially after most of them lied so Charlotte s could be freed for her. 

I think that PLL has the best music. The songs always fit in so well with the situation and they never fail to give me goosebumps. At the end of this episode there was all of the clips with the song in the background I thought it was so good.

What is up with Sara Harvey? I know that she knew Charlotte and everything but why is she hanging around Rosewood so much? I can't wait for the episode when we find out what happened to her that night.

Where was Toby in this episode? I hope that he starts to get a bit more involved because at the moment we've seen very little of him and in really like his character. We need to find out more about what's been happening in his life over the past five years and how he recovered after finding out about his mum.

I feel really sorry for Emily. It's obvious how much the death of her dad has affected her and now she is having treatment for something. It's clear that the last few years haven't gone well for her so I hope she manages to sort things out. I think that something might develop between her and the girl who works in the coffee shop. Is Paige going to come back though. Maybe something with happen with that instead.

I think Hanna made a big mistake deleting the footage off of the records. You know that when they interfere that it's never going to end well. I think that's obviously going to come back to haunt them. 

What I can't understand is why charlotte would go to the church. Did she go there to meet someone? If that's the case why would she go on her own? Was she still evil and plotting with someone else what to do next? 

I hate it when Ezra is in this sort of mood. It really annoying because he never accepts help from anyone. I much prefer him when he's happy. Something makes me think that mAybe his girlfriend isn't dead and that they'll find her at some point. 

I can't wait to find out what happens next. I hate waiting a whole week between episodes but they're well worth the wait. If you haven't seen PLL yet, WATCH IT! I promise you won't regret it. Let me know what you thought of this week's pretty little liars in the comments.

Pretty Perfect x

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