Thursday 5 November 2015

Passing Your Driving Theory Test!

Hello Everyone,

Today I thought I do a blog post all about your driving theory test because I have taken & passed mine. I know it's quite a scary time so I thought it might help if you have this to read so you feel fully prepared for it.


You definitely need to revise for your theory test because it's a completely new skill that you need to learn. I used two things to revise which I found worked for me & helped me to pass my test first time. 

The first method of revision I used was reading the Highway Code. I found that this was the best way to make sure that I had read everything there is know for your theory. If you would like to purchase the Highway Code online click here to be taken to somewhere where you can buy it. It's really cheap at just £1.49 so it's definitely worth buying. It may seem boring to just have to read a whole book but I actually found it quite interesting & learned a lot of new things.

The second thing I used was the DVSA Theory Test App. I found this really helpful because it has a study section where you read what you need to for each section. There is also a practice section where you can practice all of the questions for each separate category. The you can go on to the Mock Test and practice your test. I did a couple of mock tests a day leading up to my theory to make sure I was confident. It also has a section where you can practice the hazard perception part of you theory. I found this app really helpful. It is quite an expensive app at £4.99 but I really think it was worth it & I would recommend it. 

Alternatively, if you would prefer not to spend the money on the app you can take mock tests on the DVLA website. Click here you go to a place where you can have a go at a mock test. 

What To Expect!

It is likely that you will be very nervous when you take you theory test as it's is something you have never experienced before. I personally was so nervous because I really wanted to pass but I was also nervous about what the whole experience would be like and what I would have to do when I got to the theory test centre as it was completely new experience to me. 

To help calm my nerves I looked on YouTube for videos that tell you all about you theory test. I found one that was really helpful so click here to watch that.


Make sure that you get to the theory test centre in plenty of time so that you aren't rushing about and getting in a panic. I personally arrived an hour before as we had to find the test centre so I didn't want to end up getting lost and being late.

Read The Rules!

When you go into the test centre they will give you a list of rules. Make sure you read them. They will help you to fully understand what is going to happen during your test. If there is anything you don't understand then don't be afraid to ask the receptionist what the rules mean. I'm sure she/ he wouldn't mind explaining them to you.

Go Prepared!

Look on the theory test website to see what you need to take. Without some of the important details you may not be able to sit your test. It will also tell you what you can't take into the test with you e.g. your phone, watches, etc. Have a look so you are fully prepared for your test.

Booking Your Test!

Make sure you book your test well in advance if you want to get it as soon as possible. There can be quite a waiting list at a lot of test centres so make sure you book your test a while before. Also, if you fail you theory first time make sure you book it as soon as you can if you're ready to re-take it. I believe you have to wait 3 working days before booking another test but if you feel ready to try again book it as soon as you can. Being orgainsed means that you don't have to wait as long.

They are all the things I wanted to tell you about regarding your driving theory test. I hope you found them helpful. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments and I will try and answer them for you. I hope to do a similar post for your driving practical test so keep and eye out for that in the future. If you are sitting your theory any time soon, Good Luck. I'm sure you'll do fine.

Pretty Perfect x

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