Wednesday 14 October 2015

A Pretty Perfect Schedule!

 Hello Everyone,

For a while now I have been considering setting a timetable for when I blog. I wasn't sure whether to start one or not because I love blogging and wouldn't want to turn it in to a chore. However, after much consideration I have decided that I am going to try to stick to a schedule from now on.

I also wanted to increase the amount of time a blog during a week. Most months I post about 8 blog posts (so about 2 per week) but I want to increase this to about three times per week (so about 12 posts per month). 

So here's the plan...From now on I am going to post on a Monday, Wednesday and at some point on the weekend. It could either Saturday or Sunday depending on when I have time.

I hope this schedule works for you guys too. It's just something I want to try out. So this is a test for the next couple of months to see if I like this way of blogging. If not, I'll go back to how I used to blog but I really hope this works.

This isn't going to be a really strict routine. If I don't get to blog on one of the days I'll just make it up to you when I can. Also some weeks there may be more than three posts. Let's just wait and see what happens.

I'm always looking for ways to improve my blog so hopefully this will do exactly that. I'm sorry that this probably wasn't a very exciting blog post but I just wanted to inform you about the changes. I will be posting a more interesting blog later on this evening as it's Wednesday so keep and eye out for that.

Thank you 

Pretty Perfect x


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