Saturday 10 December 2016

Blogmas 2016 - Day 10 - Secret Santa Gift Ideas!

Blogmas 2016!

*All images from now on are taken from the internet*

Hello Everyone,

Secret Santa is a great way to give presents at Christmas time if you have a big group to buy for. It is a great way to save money as well. Today I thought I would give you some ideas of what you could get your secret Santa this year.

For Girls

1. A Scarf

A scarf is a really nice secret Santa present because it is something that they are going to use especially been as it is Winter so it will be put to good use. This one from Accessorize is really nice. It's £19 which means it is probably really good quality and is a good amount to spend on a secret Santa present.

2. A Clutch

A clutch is another great secret Santa present because it will always come in handy for nights out. This one from Accessorize is really nice and is only £15 which is really affordable.


3. Beauty Gift Sets

You can't go wrong with getting someone a beauty gift set at Christmas. Everyone loves them! Soap & Glory (available at Boots) do some that look really good and they're really affordable at around £15.

For Boys

1. A Book

A book is a really good secret Santa present for a man/boy. If you know what celebrity they like you could get them an autobiography. For example, this Phil Collins autobiography is available on Amazon for £9.50.


2. Gift Sets

Gift Sets can also be really good secret Santa presents for men. They're also really affordable and loads of popular brands sell them around Christmas time such as Nivea and Lynx.


3. PJs

Another nice secret Santa present idea is PJs. If you get some really nice PJ bottoms from Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren I'm sure your secret Santa would love that as a present. This present might be more expensive than the others that I've mentioned but if it's a close friends or family member then it might be worth it.


So there you have three secret Santa gift ideas for girls and three for boys. Put these presents with some chocolate and I'm sure whoever is receiving your present would be very happy. I hope you have found this post helpful if you are buying for a Secret Santa this year. Thanks for reading!

Pretty Perfect x

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