Monday 5 December 2016

Blogmas 2016 -Day 5 - Christmas Activities For Children!

Blogmas 2016!

Hello Everyone,

Christmas is a really fun time of year especially for children so today I thought I would give any parents that may read this post some ideas of what to do with their children. I hope this post is helpful for some of you. Obviously, these activities aren't just fun for children but this post is centred around things to do with Children at Christmas.

1. Arts & Crafts

Most children love getting creative so Christmas is a perfect time to let them do some DIYs. Keep an eye out for a DIY ideas post coming up on my blog soon.

2. Visit the local Christmas lights.

When I was little I absolutely loved driving around our local town looking at the Christmas lights in the dark. They're so pretty and it really does make the streets look so special. In fact, this is something I still love to do now.

3. Go Christmas Carolling

When I was younger we used to always go carolling around where I lived. This is the perfect way to catch up with friends and get in the Christmas spirit as well as bringing the local community together.

4. Read Christmas Stories

All children enjoy being read to but there is something really special about having a Christmas story read to you in the evening. I used to absolutely love this as a child especially on Christmas Eve.

5. Watch Christmas Films

There is nothing more simple to get you in the Christmas mood that cuddling up on the sofa and watching a Christmas film all together. They never fail to put a smile on my face.

6. Go on a Festive Walk

Wrap up warm with your scarfs, hats and gloves and go on a crisp morning walk all together. I used to love doing this when I was little.

7. Advent Calendars

Most people will buy their children the chocolate advent calendars but if you want to do a bit extra for your children this Christmas you could do a DIY advent calendar where each day they get a different little toy. My parents did this for me when I was little and it was so exciting to find out what you got each day.

8. Baking

I did a lot of baking with family when I was younger and I really enjoyed it so why not try getting your children involved in making some mince pies or cookies. It's fun and at the end of it they get to enjoy a tasty treat.

9. A Christmas Quiz

This is a really good way to entertain your children as well as teaching them some new things about Christmas. You could create your own, get one off the internet or use mine that I did as part of Blogmas last year.

                                                  Questions              Answers

10. Go to a Christmas Fait

This is a fun Christmassy day out where you can look around stalls and buy a few Christmassy bits & bobs to help decorate your house for Christmas.

11. Go to a Pantomime

This was always a tradition for us a Christmas. They're really fun for the whole family not just the children. Why don't you see what Pantomime is on at your local theatre.

12. Give to Charity

Teach your children what is important to think about at Christmas - giving to the less fortunate. A good way to do this is to give some food to a food bank to help people less fortunate than you are.

So they are just some ideas of activities to do with Children around Christmas time. I hope you find these ideas helpful. Thanks for reading!

Pretty Perfect x

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